More and more circuit boards use chip components. Newly designed circuit boards are the preferred chip components except for special needs. With its small size, easy to machine welding, and easy maintenance, SMD components have become the default options in many device selection scenarios as costs decrease. In particular, resistors, capacitors, and inductors, these components used in batches, tend to prefer chip components when designing. There are several reasons for this.
Compared with in-line components, chip components are smaller, lighter, and easier to store and transport.
The volume and weight of the chip components are only about 1/10 of the traditional plug-in components. Generally, after using SMT, the volume of electronic products is reduced by 40% to 60%, and the weight is reduced by 60% to 80%. High reliability, strong anti-vibration ability, low solder joint defect rate, good high-frequency characteristics, reduced electromagnetic and radio frequency interference, easy to realize automation, improve production efficiency, reduce costs by 30% to 50%, save materials, energy and equipment , Manpower, working hours. For example, the commonly used chip resistor 0805 package or 0603 package is much smaller than the in-line resistor we used before. Dozens of in-line resistors can fill a bag, but switching to chip resistors is enough to load thousands or even tens of thousands. If the power can be met, surface-mount devices are generally preferred.
SMD components are easier to solder and disassemble than in-line components.
SMD components do not require vias and use less tin. The most troublesome for in-line components is disassembly. When removing two or more layers of PCB boards, even if there are only two pins, it is not easy to remove them, and it is easy to damage the circuit board. Not to mention. It is much easier to remove the chip components, not only the pins are easy to remove, but also the circuit board is not easy to be damaged. The main tool for disassembling in-line components is a solder sucker. An automatic solder sucker is expensive and not easy to maintain, easily damaged, or blocked air holes. In the soldering process of the chip device, components are placed on the PCB pads by the machine, and the in-line device generally relies on manual feeding. Therefore, in mass production, the production efficiency of chip devices will be much higher than in-line devices. In-line devices often require additional "pin-cutting" after soldering. When the output is very large, it will affect production efficiency.